Department of Food Science and Technology,University of Nebraska–Lincoln--内布拉斯加大学林肯分校食品科学与技术系



  The Department of Food Science and Technology faculty are world-recognized for their research, teaching, mentoring, and service accomplishments. The research environment is challenging, interactive, and exciting.

  Food science courses include food processing, food engineering, food analysis, food chemistry, food microbiology, nutrition, quality assurance, and commodity processing courses. This program is designed to allow the student to develop an area of emphasis that fits their career goals by providing technical elective hours that are chosen by the student. Students may participate in an internship program that provides summer employment in the food industry.

  Graduate students have access to a wide variety of state-of-the-art instruments for conducting cutting modern research on the molecular biology of foodborne bacteria, metagenomics, immunology of the intestinal tract, detection and analysis of allergens and toxins, nutraceuticals and their properties, metabolomics and proteomics, applied food safety and predictive microbiology, and structure/function of novel food ingredients.

  The Department of Food Science and Technology is located in the modern, well equipped Food Industry Complex on East Campus. Our U.S. students come from New York to California, as well as from throughout the world. It is simply an outstanding place for earning your degree in food science.